Thursday, March 27, 2025
Elk City, KS • 12 Noon
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McCabe Genetics is an Angus and Hereford seed stock operation that specializes in producing bulls for the commercial beef industry and located at Elk City, Kansas. It is owned and operated by the McCabe family who are beginning their fifth generation at the same location. McCabe Genetics is proud to be included in BEEF® Magazine’s annual Seedstock 100 listing and markets 625 bulls each year. McCabes have commissioned sales reps in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Georgia to assist in placing bulls in other locations. Their relationship with Kinsley Feeders at Kinsley, Kansas allows a smooth transition for their customers who have never fed cattle to harvest but would like to explore that side of the business. McCabe Genetics goal is to be a full-service supplier to the commercial beef business.
Pictured left to right: Alex and Hannah Tolbert. Esther, Varee, Randy, Flinton, Ashley, Ethan, Hudson & Kyla McCabe